viernes, 11 de mayo de 2018

Learning the city

We are going to learn different aspects of the city with this activity. It is a PowerPoint and the teacher are going to read the aspects to the students. The aim of this activity is learn the city and then, the teacher and the students are going to create a new PowerPoint with the different aspects of the village.

The link to open the PPT is the next:

3 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. hello Lucía!!
    I think it is a good activity, because our students can see the most characteristic in the cities. Also, before the activity start we can ask about what do they think about cities, and after to see the pictures we can speak and search for our answer if there are right or no. Therefore we can work with this activity in differents way, but we haven´t never forgotten our aim. As well as we can do another power point similar to cities but now about village.

  3. Hello!
    In my opinion this is a good activity, because the pupils can compare pictures and tech about cities. Moreover, PowerPoint is good for kids and it's great for teachers who are trying to teach a difficult concept.
    Mª Ángeles Garcés
