viernes, 11 de mayo de 2018

Speaking about food

We are going to talk in pairs about food. You have to say to your partner if you like or do not like this food.

For example:

I like rice or I do not like rice.
And you?

Now it is your turn. The first one is:

The second one is:

The last one is: 

Once you have spoken with your partner, choose by yourselves other three dishes and ask to your partner. 

5 comentarios:

  1. Hi Lucía. Thanks for this activity! It is very easy to understand what the target of the activity is, and I think that my students will find it enjoyable. I will do this activity with them in the Unit:Food. To complement this I think that the following activity could be done working the whole class together. We could do a table about food preferences, adding new food vocabulary. We will ask pair by pair for their three new dishes and also about their answers for fish, ice-cream and meat, and we will fill the table with all the information from all the pairs. At the end we could ask them questions like:
    -Which is the favourite food for our class?
    -Which is the most unpopular food for our class?
    -Which is the dish that have repeted most in the examples of my classmates?

    Thank you!

    1. Hello Laura! Your idea is really interesting to do in class with our students! Thank you for your idea.

  2. I think this activity is very good to practice speaking. It could be for different level students because it gives them the opportunity to practice vocabulary about food from the early ages (with simple expressions as in your example "I do like", "I do not like") to more advanced ages (using their all vocabulary about cooking and food and giving more information about their likes). And I also think that the last part of your activity is good too because this way students will work deeper on the vocabulary.
    In general, it seems to me that your blog is pretty cool with that image in the background and it is clearly organized.


    1. Hello Goretti! Thank you for your comment. I think this activity could improve vocabulary in our students and depends on the level, we could teach more vocabulary in class.

  3. Hello everyone,

    This activity apart from visual has much more content than what is really thought. With it the children practice oral, comprehension, visual skills and review contents of CC NN. On the other hand, they are reminded of the importance of eating healthy, but without obsessing, that is, it is advisable to eat healthy and take a varied diet, but this does not deprive us of taking an ice cream ball once. I think that with this activity they understand the balance that they want to teach them, the extremes are not good for either side.
    Congratulations for your work and ingenuity!
